“ Let’s Get Social ” .. The three words have been used hell lot times all around the web to spread awareness and importance of social media. Still its being used here again, simply to precise on the same intend again. The Mantra works....seriously...! Getting social here simply means getting more and more associated within your own network by the way of Content. In social media, Content works big time. In order to popularizing yourself or your brand, three things work: Content – Sharing – Involving Content: Anything you find interesting and thought provoking. Sharing: Publish them on your page or you wall. Let people see and get influenced. Keep sharing one after the other. Involve: Once shared, try to extract your audience’s thoughts by keeping them involved. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more like such are amazing platform that, over a period of time, can help you in building your brand, may be in the form of your venture or your...